how to entertain your dog when you’re sick


Dogs are known to be loyal and loving companions. They offer unconditional love and support to their owners, making them an essential part of our lives. However, when you’re sick, it can be challenging to take care of your furry friend while also taking care of yourself. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips and ideas on how to entertain your dog when you’re sick, so you can both feel comfortable and happy.

10 Ways To Entertain Your Dog While You're Stuck In Isolation

Puzzle Toys Puzzle toys are an excellent way to keep your dog entertained while also helping to improve their cognitive skills. These toys require your dog to solve a puzzle to access a treat or toy,

which can keep them engaged and occupied for extended periods. Here are some of the best puzzle toys for your dog:

  1. Kong – Kong toys are durable and come in different sizes and shapes. You can stuff them with treats or peanut butter to keep your dog occupied.
  2. Outward Hound Hide-a-Squirrel – This toy involves hiding small toys inside a larger toy, which your dog has to find.
  3. Nina Ottosson Dog Tornado – This toy requires your dog to turn the different layers to access the hidden treats.

Interactive Toys Interactive toys are another way to keep your dog entertained and happy while you’re sick. These toys require human interaction,

which can help to reduce your dog’s anxiety and keep them engaged. Here are some interactive toy ideas:

  1. Fetch – Playing fetch with your dog is an excellent way to keep them entertained and active. You can do this indoors or outside, depending on your energy level.
  2. Tug-of-War – Tug-of-war is another interactive game that can be played indoors. However, it’s important to establish clear rules and boundaries to avoid any accidents.
  3. Hide and Seek – Hide and seek is a fun game that involves hiding treats or toys around the house for your dog to find. This game also helps to improve your dog’s cognitive skills.

Enrichment Activities Enrichment activities are activities that simulate your dog’s natural instincts and behavior,

providing them with mental and physical stimulation. Here are some enrichment activity ideas:

Snuffle Mat 

A snuffle mat is a mat made of fabric strips, which you can hide treats inside. Your dog has to sniff and search for the treats, keeping them occupied for a while.

Treat Dispensing Toys 

Treat dispensing toys are toys that dispense treats as your dog plays with them. They come in different shapes and sizes and can keep your dog engaged and entertained.

Frozen Treats

Frozen treats are an excellent way to keep your dog cool and entertained. You can freeze some peanut butter or yogurt in a Kong toy, or freeze some chicken broth in an ice tray.

“How do I entertain my dog when I’m sick?

This line is a question that someone who is feeling unwell may ask themselves when they are unable to give their dog the attention and exercise they usually do. It suggests that the person is looking for ways to keep their dog happy and occupied while they are unable to play or exercise with them as they usually would.

“Do dogs sense when you’re sick?

This line is a question that asks whether dogs are able to detect when their owners are sick. Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell and can pick up changes in their owner’s scent, which may indicate that they are unwell. In addition, dogs may also pick up on subtle changes in their owner’s behavior and body language that can indicate sickness.

“How to entertain a puppy

This line is a question that asks how to keep a young dog, or a puppy, entertained and stimulated. Puppies have a lot of energy and require a lot of attention and exercise to keep them happy and healthy. Activities like playing fetch, going for walks, and using puzzle toys are all great ways to entertain a puppy.

“How to play with a dog

This line is a question that asks how to interact with a dog and have fun together. Playing with your dog is a great way to bond and build a strong relationship with them. Activities like playing fetch, tug-of-war, and hide-and-seek are all great ways to play with your dog.

“How to keep dog entertained while at work

This line is a question that asks how to keep a dog happy and occupied while their owner is away at work. Leaving a dog alone for extended periods can be stressful for them, but there are ways to keep them entertained and stimulated, such as providing puzzle toys, leaving the radio on, and hiring a dog walker.

“50 games to play with your dog

This line suggests that there are many different games and activities that owners can do with their dogs to keep them entertained and stimulated. These activities can include games like fetch, hide-and-seek, and agility training, among others.

“Rainy day dog activities

This line suggests that there are activities that owners can do with their dogs on days when the weather is poor and they are unable to go outside. Activities like playing with puzzle toys, practicing obedience training, and teaching new tricks are all great ways to keep a dog entertained on a rainy day.

“How to entertain dog in winter

This line is a question that asks how to keep a dog happy and occupied during the winter months when it may be too cold or snowy to go outside. Activities like playing with indoor toys, practicing obedience training, and going for short walks when the weather permits are all great ways to keep a dog entertained in the winter.

“Free dog walking for disabled

This line suggests that there are programs and services available that offer free dog walking for people with disabilities who may not be able to walk their dogs themselves. These programs can help ensure that dogs receive the exercise and attention they need to stay happy and healthy.

“Indoor activities for dogs

This line suggests that there are many different activities that owners can do with their dogs inside the house. These activities can include playing with puzzle toys, practicing obedience training, and doing indoor agility training, among others.


Taking care of your furry friend when you’re sick can be challenging, but with these tips and ideas, you can keep them entertained and happy while also taking care of yourself. Puzzle toys, interactive toys, and enrichment activities are all great ways to keep your dog engaged and stimulated. It’s also essential to remember to rest and take care of yourself, so you can get better soon and continue to enjoy the company of your beloved pet. With a little creativity and planning, you can keep your dog entertained and happy while you recover.

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